Coaching for new Scrum Masters

  • Are you a Project Manager who is transitioning into to a Scrum Master role?
  • Has your company recently decided to “go agile,” leaving you to wonder what that means for you and your career?
  • Have you recently been certified as a Certified Scrum Master, but have been finding it difficult to put what you’ve learned into practice?

In order to succeed, you will need more than what a 2-day CSM certification course can provide! Do not allow your career to be left behind by the rapid pace of change in our industry!!

In over 12 years in the industry, I’ve worked with employees at companies of all sizes – from cagey startups (FreshBooks, EventMobi) to Fortune 500 enterprises (HPIBM, SalesForce).

Through personalized one-on-one coaching, I can guide you through the transition to highly effective servant leader!


Common coaching topics for Scrum Masters

  • Building High Performing Teams
  • Effective Retrospectives
  • Agile estimation & forecasting
  • Change Management
  • Team Conflict and Tuckman’s Model
  • Working with Management
  • Facilitating Scrum in complex, multi-team environments
  • Measuring performance
  • Establishing and reporting on metrics

Let me help you navigate this new world, apply your unique skill set, and accelerate your newly agile career!

Click to schedule a free introductory session today!

Book an appointment!

Or, contact me below for more info. Coaching packages begin as low as $50. Corporate/Group rates are also available.

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